Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things, and still be calm in your heart

Friday, April 2, 2010

Each Word is a Gift

Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift. -Ephesians 4:29

I have recently learned the value of being assertive. By nature, I've always been a passive person. I used to avoid conflict at all costs. I didn't like to call people out on things when they were wrong (except my sisters) and I didn't like to be called out when I was wrong. So, I just kept quiet. In the past couple years, I have learned that being passive is not the best option...especially if you want something to change. I've learned the value of being assertive. Not the value of being aggressive, which I believe should be left for people who are fighting diseases, but being assertive. If you are unhappy with a situation or a relationship, instead of dwelling on it and being negative, do something about it. There is always a kind way to address any situation. I've found that I feel better knowing that I can stand up for what I believe, when I make it clear how I want to be treated, what I will stand for, and what I refuse to be a part of. I find it to be totally empowering. However, mastering the last part of the Ephesians verse is the most challenging to me: Say only what helps, each word is a gift.

I have been entering in to these conversations prayerfully. And I have loved learning what I've learned through this. I do not seek out conflict, but I am at a point in life where I will not avoid it just to keep the peace.

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